Common Recruiting Questions & Tips

  • Before you visit, review the last 3-5 years to see how the team did in their conference XC/track championships: are they on the rise, holding steady, or dropping in the rankings?
  • Consider asking the coach what his/her goals are for the team in the upcoming conference championships, and what you can do to help achieve those goals.
  • What ancillary academic programs are used to help student athletes?
    • Tutoring
    • Study hall
    • Workshops that focus on academic and professional growth, and mental health and well-being
    • Computer resources
    • Writing workshops
  • Are there athletic advisors that monitor academic progress towards graduation, assist with developing organizational and time management skills, and focus on goal setting?
  • What ancillary programs are used to help with sport performance?
    • Weight training
    • Nutrition counseling
    • Yoga
    • Deep-water running
    • Mental Imagery
  • What is your coaching philosophy?
  • What percent of the incoming freshman class is still competing as seniors? (Look this up yourself.)
  • What percent of incoming freshmen graduate in 4 years? (Look up the college’s general student body 4-year graduation rate before you ask.)
  • What are your time management tips for freshmen?
  • What are the 3 most common mistakes freshman make regarding academics/athletics?
  • What two or three books would you recommend I read over the summer to help me adjust to the rigors of college academics and athletics?
  • Do you redshirt incoming freshmen? If so, why?
  • What happens if I get hurt while training or competing?
  • Are there morning and afternoon training sessions?